Eclipse College Session 4

September 25th, 2017 by




Welcome to the fourth session of Eclipse College!  We look forward to having you join us for the Evidence Assessment and Case Studies.


This session will take place on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at 4:30-6:30pm online.


Adobe Connect Link


October 4th, 2017

Evidence Assessment and Case Studies

Join Robin Arthurs, Ross Woolgar, and Bruce Gudim for their workshop on Evidence Assessment and work through case studies with them.  This presentation will help you gain a new perspective of ways to assess evidence and how to handle conflicting situations.  Come join in with the conversation!
Everyone Welcome

Everyone is welcome to join online or in the Eclipse Geomatics & Engineering Ltd. Conference Room (201, 1530 – 27 Avenue NE, Calgary, AB).

Course Link


October 4th, 2017 4:30 – 6:30pm MST


ALS’s and other people in the community are welcome to participate and ask questions.  All online participants are encouraged to purchase and use headphones with a microphone and participate in our more interactive presentations.


Eclipse College Certificate

This year, we are offering a new certificate program where you can attend our sessions and receive a certificate at the end.  This certificate is only $50 to sign up and only depends on your attendance at the sessions.  Contact if you are interested.


We are looking for financial contributors to help support the cost of online education for our articling students.  All donations can be made payable to:



c/o Eclipse Geomatics & Engineering Ltd

201, 1530 – 27 Avenue NE

Calgary, AB

T2E 7S6


Please contact one of the following individuals if you require more information:


Ross Woolgar, ALS at

Bruce Gudim, ALS Retired at

Rob Cream, ALS at

Fred Cheng ALS at

Carina Butterworth PEng at



Coming Sessions


Date Session Presenter
October 25th, 2017 ALSA – PRB, SPR, CCR, Common Deficiency Scott Westlund
November 1st, 2017 Survey Law Ken Alred
November 8th, 2017 Subdivision and Planning Process Colin Keir & Michael Thompson

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